Supporting the Site
Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 1:06 am
This site is hosted by a small technology company dedicated to supporting the US Constitution. Therefore this site can not be deplatformed or have board policy shaped by the fear of having the infrastructure operating the site taking the site off the net. It will only go away if there is no interest in using the site by the gun culture. If this sounds like a venture worthy of your support, you can become a supporting member by contributing funds to the operation of this site. Your contribution will appear as a payment to the site sponsor, the Freedonia Technology Co. so there is no direct financial link to your support of a gun related activity.
Membership levels:
Brass - $10 per year and allows for use of Member only areas, such as the Virtual Gun Show
Silver - $25 per year and includes use of the private message system which includes attachments
Gold - $50 per year and includes more extensive capabilities of member systems
Life - $250 donation and is a permanent Gold status
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."
Membership levels:
Brass - $10 per year and allows for use of Member only areas, such as the Virtual Gun Show
Silver - $25 per year and includes use of the private message system which includes attachments
Gold - $50 per year and includes more extensive capabilities of member systems
Life - $250 donation and is a permanent Gold status
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."